Manga action takes place in the year 2050. The main character, Yoichi Hinata, suffers from amnesia caused by a massive accident involving a spacecraft heading to a space station. The ship collided with Earth, claiming the lives of five hundred passengers, including Yoichi's parents, and he miraculously survived but lost his memory of the events prior to the accident. Yoichi leads an ordinary, peaceful life, dreaming of building a rocket together with his friend, the astronomy club president, but one day he notices a falling meteor. Following the site of its impact, Yoichi discovers a spacecraft that made an emergency landing and a mysterious girl passenger, who also suffers from amnesia after the ordeal.
Тип | Манга |
Издатель | Gangan Joker |
Статус | ВышлоC 22 апреля 2009 по 22 декабря 2010 |
Тома | 4 |
Главы | 22 |
Жанр | Сёнен, Фантастика, Романтика, Драма, Комедия |
По-японски | ひまわり |
По-английски | Himawari |
Другие ресурсы | |
ヽ(ー_ー )ノ
Тут пока ничего нет, но скоро будет интересно
ヽ(ー_ー )ノ
Тут пока ничего нет, но скоро будет интересно