The text describes a fictional story authored by Akito Takagi and Moritaka Mashiro from the manga "Bakuman". It tells the story of three elementary school students who have banded together to commit perfect crimes. Their antics are harmless, but their classmates begin to suspect that something is amiss in the class, though no one has been able to uncover the identities of the members of the "Perfect Crime Party". As long as the three work together, their identities remain a secret.
Тип | Ранобэ |
Статус | Вышло2 октября 2015 |
Тома | 1 |
Жанр | |
По-японски | PCP-完全犯罪党- 孤島の子供たち |
По-английски | PCP: Kotou no Kodomotachi |
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